Small things you can do to help the environment
Years of carbon emissions and pollution have finally taken their toll on our environment. We’re living amongst dangerous breathing conditions, particularly in larger cities, and our oceans are swimming with plastic, threatening aquatic life. The lifestyle many of us have been living in the 21st century is by no means safe for our planet’s health; much of our behaviour has resulted in an overheated planet, which is set to have dangerous consequences for our futures – unless, collectively, we do something about it.
Although not one person alone can solve this worldwide issue, there are small changes that each of us can make every day to help prevent further damage.
Use energy efficient light bulbs
Swapping your light bulbs for energy-saving ones is one of the best things you can do for the environment. Light pollution is something that has become a major issue as a result of urbanisation, and has been linked to health concerns and the disruption of our natural habitats and environment. Although we will never stop needing artificial lighting, we can reduce its impact (and cut utility bill costs) by purchasing low energy bulbs. Most importantly, don’t forget to switch your lights off when you leave a room!
Try having one meat-free day per week
Surprisingly, it’s thought that the production of meat accounts for around 30% of global greenhouse emissions. Not only that, but the rearing of farm animals requires a significant amount of land compared to that needed for the growth of vegetables and crops. The production of meat also uses a surprisingly large proportion of our global water supply, and the carbon emissions produced by factories are thought to have dangerous consequences to human health. If each of us can dedicate one day per week to meat-free eating, over time, this will have significant positive effects on our health and environment.
Recycle whatever you can
Largely due to a lack of knowledge, many of us are guilty of putting recyclable items in general waste, and vice versa. When recycled, items can be reused again, reducing the need for unnecessary sourcing of raw materials. It’s important to remember to recycle glass products, since when thrown in general waste, they can take thousands of years to decompose in landfill. Try to recycle newspapers, wherever you can, too, and if it’s available to you, consider reading the latest news stories online.
Purchase a reusable water bottle and shopping bag
Plastic bottles and bags have shown to be extremely harmful to our environment, and seem to be particularly prevalent in our oceans. Although many plastic water bottles can be recycled, reducing our consumption of them will eventually dissipate the need for unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions created for their manufacture. Plastic bags are arguably more harmful, since they can’t be recycled, and have been known to cause harm to aquatic creatures. By purchasing reusable bottles and shopping bags, we’re not only reducing the amount of waste imposed on our environment, but we’re also cutting the need for the repeated production of dangerous plastics.
Buy locally
The transportation of food is another common issue contributing to the deterioration of our environment. Air miles are thought to be a huge contributor to global warming, and the purchasing of foods that originate from overseas ultimately increases its demand. Wherever possible, try to purchase your food locally – not only for the benefit of your community, but also to reduce your carbon footprint. Alternatively, why not try growing your own vegetables?
Although we are clinging onto the hope that we can reverse the damage that’s been done to our environment, by simply adopting a few of the above lifestyle changes, we’ll be well on our way to reducing our individual carbon footprint – and collectively, saving the future of our planet.