Posted on: 2 February, 2021

5 Reasons To Consider Assisted Living During Retirement

Are you soon to enter the world of retirement? In this week's article, find out all about assisted living options, and whether they could be beneficial for you.
by Extra Care Living
    Exterior of assisted living facility in Surrey

    Are you retired, or soon to retire?


    There are so many options available for those entering the retirement world. Assisted living developments, for example, are ideal for getting the most out of life when you retire. 


    From an abundance of on-site services, such as cleaning and maintenance, to endless opportunities for entertainment, extra care developments allow residents to live a happy, fulfilled life during retirement.

    Keep reading to find out how assisted living could improve your quality of life:

    Assisted Living: Prolonging Senior Independence

    When planning your retirement, don’t forget to think about which living options promote independence – especially if that’s a priority for you.


    Extra care living, particularly within retirement developments, offers you the freedom and control to plan your own retirement as you wish. 


    Designed to support you with day-to-day life, assisted living allows residents to live with independence, whilst resting in the peace of mind that 24/7 care is always available.

    Set up Your Own Side Hustle

    Assisted living offers many benefits – including the opportunity to set up your own business from home. It’s a great way to retain your independence, whilst providing you with a sense of purpose. 

    Often, leaving the world of work is daunting. Earning a bit extra on the side, though, can ease you into retirement at a pace that suits you. Card-making, flower arranging or crocheting are all great activities to try whilst you ease into a more relaxed way of living.

    Opportunities to Discover the Local Area

    Taking the time to venture outside is imperative for both mental and physical health – and immersing ourselves in nature, in particular, encourages healthy connections with our surroundings.


    Friary Meadow, a retirement development in Titchfield, has easy access routes to local shops, cafes and beautiful countryside walks. Being in the heart of a local community, such as this one, means you’ll be able to take full advantage of the local amenities and attractions.

    Assisted Living: Take Ownership of a New Home

    One of the advantages of assisted living is that you own your property within the retirement development. 


    This means that you and your loved ones can continue living together – even if, in the future, you need in-home support with your health or home maintenance.

    Assisted Living: Maximising Opportunities For Socialising

    The thought of being lonely when you retire can be worrying. Friary Meadow offers the perfect backdrop for social meets and activities; you’ll have a whole village of like-minded people of the same generation on your doorstep, so you’ll never feel alone!


    Boasting plenty of on-site provisions including a cinema and cafe, and a neighbouring hotel offering discounted rates on their health facilities, you’ll never need to travel far to have fun with your friends.


    Moving into assisted living is a big step, but the benefits are almost endless. You’ll enjoy a good quality of life, as well as security comfort and peace of mind – for both you and your family.


    Take a look at the Friary Meadow website to find out more about how assisted living could be the right choice for you.

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