Top 5 ways to reduce stress
In today’s digital age, it can be hard to stay calm and relaxed when it seems that everyone is living a fast-paced life. The soar in the use of mobile devices is, arguably, responsible for people forgetting to live in the present moment, distracting and disconnecting people from what really matters. Studies have suggested that increased online use has led to an overall more stressed and anxious nation. Whether you’re experiencing technology-induced stress or general anxiety, there are ways that you can tackle these negative feelings for mental and physical relief.
Move more
Whilst many see the body and mind as separate entities, it’s thought that physical activity can have positive effects on our mental wellbeing. You don’t have to be particularly athletic to move more; you can simply find an activity that you enjoy, and find a way to incorporate it into your daily routine. Simply embarking on a fast-paced walk daily, or engaging in a Pilates class will most likely provide you with an instant mood boost.
Change your perspective
When you’re feeling stressed, it can be all too easy to succumb to negative thoughts. Try your best to think positively; take some time to come up with three things you’re grateful for, and look for the silver lining in every situation. It can be easy to forget what we do have, and focus on what we don’t – so, at the end of the day, try to write down a few things that went well.
It’s also important to become aware of the things that you can and can’t control. The aspects that you can control are worth giving your attention to; but in order to find inner peace, you need to let go of the things you can’t actively change, and move forward.
Speak to someone you trust
It’s easier to combat feelings of stress and anxiety when you’ve got a good support network around you. When you’re feeling a little down, talk to your friends or family members; they can offer a helping hand, and give you a different perspective on your situation. Ensure you also take time to engage in fun activities with your loved ones – this will act as a mood booster and a good distraction.
Take some time for yourself
In addition to spending time with others, don’t forget to have some ‘me’ time. Checking in with yourself can really give your mental health the boost it needs, prompting you to relax and take some much-needed time out. Whether you choose to learn meditation or engage in one of your favourite hobbies, such as reading, you’ll likely feel ready to take on the rest of the day with a fresh state of mind.
Resist the urge to engage in unhealthy habits
When we’re feeling down, it can be hard to resist the temptation to indulge in forms of instant gratification – which, for many, involves sugary snacks, a cigarette or sitting motionless in front of a TV show. As enticing as this may seem, try to avoid adopting habits that, in the long run, will likely make you feel worse. Instead, put your energy into a healthy habit or activity that will evoke feelings of accomplishment.
Although feelings of stress and anxiety are common, thankfully, we have the ability to try and suppress them, bringing feelings of happiness and positivity to the surface. No matter how busy you may be, remember to take the time you need to look after your health and wellbeing.