Posted on: 2 March, 2020

How to pay more attention to your mental health in everyday life

If you really think about it, how often do you check in with your mental health? 


Many of us are conscious of the state of our physical health, but since it’s not something we can physically see, our mental health is often forgotten. That doesn’t mean it’s any less important, though.


So, how can you pay more attention to your mental health?

Live more mindfully

Mindfulness, a concept that’s relatively new to many of us, has become an increasingly popular method to improve mental health.


Rather a state of being and perspective than a physical practice, mindfulness encourages the individual to bring their attention to the present moment. It’s training the mind to appreciate and notice the here and now, letting thoughts of the past and present drift away.


When practiced over a period of time, mindfulness has shown to change the brain’s structure and function, according to It’s linked to positive emotions and a boost in overall wellbeing, too.


If mindfulness is new to you, but you experience stress and anxiety often, it’s definitely worth trying. Anyone can live more mindfully, starting by integrating small changes into their lifestyle.


Next time you’re out for a stroll, notice your senses. Focus on the sights, sounds and smells that surround you, and try not to let your thoughts drift. Try to adopt the same principle in smaller daily activities – from brushing your teeth, to eating your meals. 


By focusing on the here and now, you’ll become more in-tune with your emotions and needs, and be in a better position to cope with negative life experiences.

Learn something every day

Often, when our mind is distracted, it becomes harder for us to notice feelings of stress and anxiety. It stops us from overthinking, whilst encouraging us to focus on the task at hand.


Learning something new each day is one of the best ways we can distract our mind. Whether that’s reading a chapter of a new book, learning a new musical instrument or cooking a new recipe, you’re giving your brain the therapeutic escape it probably needs in today’s busy world.


Not only that, but allowing yourself to learn new things encourages cognitive growth and strengthening; something that’s increasingly important as we age.

Get involved in the community

Loneliness and isolation are two major culprits of a negative state of mind. Of course, we all benefit from indulging in a little time alone, but it can become unhealthy if we spend too much time in isolation.


Try getting more involved with your community. Whether that’s venturing out to your community centre and joining a new group/club, becoming a volunteer or baking a batch of cupcakes for the local bake sale, you’ll see a huge difference in your self-esteem.

Take a holistic approach to health

A common mistake that many of us make is perceiving our mind and body as separate entities, and treating them as such.


Rather, a holistic approach to health views our mind and body as interconnected. Those who live holistically recognise that healthy eating and exercise not only benefit our physical body; they boost our brain health, too. 


Mind and body practices such as meditation and yoga are known to strengthen this connection, allowing us to be more aware of our individual needs. These can be great practices to introduce you to the importance of a holistic approach to health, if it’s new to you.

In a world where stress and anxiety can surface all too easily, don’t forget to try and give your mental health the attention it deserves. To find out more about how you can reduce stress, take a look at our previous article.

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